The TRX Suspension Trainer can be used to improve mobility and flexibility; it allows you to unload your bodyweight while doing specific movements. By unloading some bodyweight, it is possible to safely move through a greater range of motion. Adding resistance and leverage to a particular stretch, it can help safely pull the body to […]
Why DO we squat? How do we determine the BEST squat for OUR needs? The ability to squat is a fundamental movement. It requires a balance of mobility and stability. It is both a static posture and a movement pattern that we see very early in human developmental. A toddler typically masters the art […]
Why is balance so important? What can we do to improve our balance? In life, we find ourselves seeking balance, between work, finances, relationships, our diet and exercise. As we age, it becomes imperative that we really learn how to Balance… in the literal sense as falls can have greater consequences. According to […]
Let’s talk about Lats baby! What is their functionality? When do we use them? The latissimus dorsi, commonly referred to as lats, are huge diagonal muscles covering a large area of the back. They attach to the top of the pelvis, along the spine, the ribs, and to the humerus (upper arm bone). […]
With so many different fitness modalities and choices you may find yourself wondering “what’s the best type of exercise for me?” While the answer may not be so simple, you can ask yourself a few questions that may help guide you in the right direction: What are my fitness goals? Am I training for […]
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