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Julie's Garage Gym > Stretching Sunday

The Scorpion Stretch is a dynamic warm up exercise designed to help strengthen your lower back and glutes while improving mobility and flexibility in the hip flexors and psoas.   Repeat this sequence several times transitioning smoothly from one leg to the other. As always, remember to breathe deeply and work within YOUR pain-free available […]
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Cat-Cow is a gentle flow between two poses that warms the body and brings flexibility to the spine. It stretches the back, torso and neck, and softly stimulates and strengthens the abdominal organs. It also opens the chest, encouraging slow, deep breathing.   This video demonstrates how to perform the Cat-Cow yoga sequence.   As […]
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The foam roller is a useful tool to actively warm up your joints, increase blood flow to your muscles, and reduce risk of injury. Try these movements on a foam roller for active scapular and shoulder mobilization, to open up the pectorals (chest muscles), and to improve overall functional mobility in the Pectoral Shoulder Girdle. […]
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Dynamic stretching involves smooth and steady movement with natural range of motion in order to warm muscles and tendons. Active movement also increases body temperature and blood flow.   Try this Full Body Dynamic Stretch using your bodyweight only.   Walk Out to Plank Runners Lunge with Circular Arm Reach (right leg) Bear Pose to […]
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Puppy-sitting my four-legged friend named Sirius. Although it was a challenge trying to shoot a video while also trying to entertain him, this adorable Beagle made Stretching Sunday so much fun.????   The Shoulder Mobility Dynamic Stretch is a excellent way to open up the chest and shoulders. This subtle but amazing stretch is not […]
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Dynamic stretching involves smooth and steady movement with natural range of motion in order to warm muscles and tendons. Active movement also increases body temperature and blood flow.   This video demonstrates two dynamic stretches that warm up the hamstrings, calves, shoulders, back, and lats. The fluid movements of both stretches incorporates core stability, joint […]
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It’s Superbowl Sunday! Before we plant ourselves in front of the television for hours, show your body some love. Flow along with me through this Sun Salutation.   The Sun Salutation, or Surya Namaskara (SOOR-yuh nah-muh-SKAR-uh), is a series of poses performed in a sequence to create a flow of movement. Sun Salutations build heat […]
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  Bhujangasana, or Cobra Pose, is an integral part of Sun Salutation. This back-bending yoga pose stretches the shoulders, chest, and abdominals, while strengthening the wrists, arms, and back. By lengthening the spine and opening the upper body and chest, it can significantly help in improving posture as it counteracts the slouch that comes from […]
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Most of us have probably experienced neck stiffness and soreness at some point in their life. In  fact, neck pain is one of the most common types of pain among Americans. Taking some time to stretch can make help loosen the muscles, increase range of motion, and help reduce pain.   Relieve tension in your […]
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For any of you who sit at a desk, in a car, or experience occasional low back pain, your hamstrings and glutes could likely use some TLC.   Here are three quick go-to stretches that can help! No equipment is needed and they can be done in under five minutes. Supine Hamstring Stretch Supine Pigeon […]
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