Do you have a Swiss (or Stability) Ball lying around your house collecting dust? Maybe you bought one a while ago with good intentions to use but simply forgot… or maybe you just never learned how to get the most out of it! As mentioned in yesterday’s post, using a Swiss Ball adds instability to […]
Bridges are a very basic yet effective way to activate your glutes, hamstrings, and abdominal muscles. They are a foundational core movement that puts your glutes under constant tension while lengthening (opening up) the hip flexors to improve and facilitate hip extension. This video demonstrates a straight leg bridge variation, along with a single-leg progression, […]
Here’s a challenging total-body circuit using a Kettlebell. Start by using a lighter weight until you get the moves down, then increase the weight as you become more comfortable with the workout. Perform each exercise for 10-20 repetitions. Repeat the entire circuit 3-5 times. Walkout to DeadLift (x 10) Reverse Lunge with Pass Through (x […]
The kettlebell swing helps to strengthen your core and hips while encouraging full body utilization and coordination. Proper technique of this exercise allows for safe, high repetition sets that will improve work capacity, functional explosiveness, and muscular endurance. This video demonstrates a few key points to remember while performing a kettlebell swing. ✔️The Traditional Swing […]
“When you boil it down, what do those three things have in common? Those are choices. Money is not peace of mind. Money’s not happiness. Money is, at its essence, that measure of a man’s choices.” -Ozark
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